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About the course

Key learning outcomes - day one

  • Analyse and evaluate the effects of the AC electrification current on return conductors and current flowing in the earth during train load, earth faults of the electrification overhead line and degraded modes of operation
  • Evaluate the bonding requirements of Electrification system assets including the traction return
  • Understand the need to protect people and the requirements for IEC 61140 Protection against electric shock in AC electrified railways
  • Evaluate the interfaces between AC and DC railways operating in parallel or dual voltage operation.

Key learning outcomes - day two

  • Understand and evaluate the risk from lightning in the railway environment
  • Evaluate the design requirements for OLE bridge clearances
  • Understand the requirements for bonding large civil structures
  • Understand the complexity of earthing and bonding of an AC traction depot, including traction rolling stock, traction supplies, non-traction supplies, civil structures and overhead lines.